We at Xtra nursing agency specialise in providing nurses at short notice when no one else can.

Nurses!Your experience and skills should be rewarded. Nurses are in short supply and it is our mission to maximize your earning power. 

We hold interviews in our office or by ZOOM call 01-5685178 or email info@xtranursingagency.ie

Earn your present Staff Nurse salary (hourly rate) + 20% XTRA will be paid (i.e. if you are booked as a CNM or PHN  or whatever grade that will be your base).

With Xtra Nursing Agency all Nurses between 1st and 5th increment will be paid the 5th increment (plus 20%)  In addition, annual and public holiday pay will be paid. Click HERE for Rates

Text your name & address to 0873560809 & we will post you out an application form.
